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SPN Insurance Player Requirements

June 9th, 2020

Just an update for everyone.


The Executive have started to add the teams and players on the SPN website as is required this year.  You will each receive an email notification once you’ve been added, which will prompt you to complete your profile on the site.  Once there you will click on the insurance waivers which you MUST complete prior to being allowed to step onto the field this season, as you will not be insured otherwise.


Let the Executive know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your patience!!

Payment & Registration - REMINDER both due June 15th

June 15th, 2020

Just a reminder regarding payments and rosters.


  • $500 deposit for June 15

    • You can send e-transfers to (preferred method)

    • If you must use cash, text or call Peter (644-9245) and he can work with you to arrange meeting.


Any concerns just reach out to any of the executive.



June 9th, 2020

Here is our official return to play plan which we have submitted to the city and to SPN (our insurance) for approvals.  We will print off copies for the team reps tomorrow night but felt we should post this so that if there are questions we can address them at the meeting.


2020 Moosehead Slo-Pitch Return to Play Plans


Our league will follow all Government Health Regulations and Mandates. This includes Provincial, City and Municipal restrictions – all laws and bylaws must be adhered to at all times


Personal Protection :

- Do not come to the game if you are ill, show any symptoms or have been around someone who is ill.
- The use of a mask is recommended.
- The use of personal fitted batting gloves at all times is recommended.
- The use of individual bats is recommended. In the event a team is sharing bats, it is recommended batting gloves be used and/or the bat is wiped down between uses.
- It is recommended that each team use their own set of balls, minimizing the number of people who touch the ball.
- Balls should be wiped before each inning.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or into your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
- Do not spit.
- Wash your hands often.


Arrival/Departure at the Fields :

- Arrive 15 minutes maximum before scheduled game time.
- Leave the field immediately upon game completion.


Social Distancing During the Game :

- There will be no contact, ‘no handshakes or high fiving’
- No warm up of any kind before games.
- Ground Rules shall be provided to a team representative before the game.
- During batting, players will need to line up along the fence outside of the diamond spread out accordingly.
- The dug out will only be used by the upcoming batters, distancing accordingly to space available.
- Coaches will stand 2 meters away from 1st and 3rd base at all times, however, it is recommended that there be no base coaches.
- The catcher will stand 2 meters behind the strike mat.
- A dedicated area will represent where the next scheduled team is to meet, until such time when they have been cleared to approach the diamond by the umpire or when it is apparent that the previous team occupants have vacated the field. (Home – 3rd base side ; Away – 1st base side, for example).
- Immediately upon the completion of the game, all members will leave the diamond area.
- Spectators must sit socially distanced from team members and other spectators. It is recommended that spectators be kept to a minimum.
- It is recommended that children should not be left unattended while playing.
- No coaching conferences or group huddles.
- All garbage must be collected and removed by each team after the game (if there are no designated garbage cans on site).


Umpires :

- It is recommended that umpires wear a mask or face shield.
- Umpires will provide further detailed ground rules on an as needed basis observing the necessary distancing before the game begins.
- There will be no exchange of lineup cards, teams will keep score with their own scorekeeping books. Teams can submit their lineup cards to the umpire for game management, or the umpires can use a small notepad if they prefer. Also, teams could take a picture of their lineup card to exchange with the other team and submit if there is a question of roster eligibility.
- Umpires will stand where they are comfortable calling the game, and at least 2 meters away from the catcher and batter.


League Specific Rule Changes (for time management) :

- All games will be played with a 1-1 count to start
- There will be a 6 run cap per inning, with the last inning being an open inning for both teams. This will either be the 9th inning or the last inning to start before 10 minutes remaining in the time slot.


These changes are being instituted to allow games to finish before the next games are scheduled to begin, thus minimizing the amount of people at the field at any given time.


We ask that the team representative provide their respective teams with these rules (they will also be on the league website) and that the team reps work with their players to ensure that these rules are followed.

Teams and or players who do not adhere to the suggestions put forth by the league risk being refused to participate and will face possible suspensions from future league games.


Moosehead Slo Pitch League Executive


President: Tim O’Blenis     640-1955
Vice President: Shawn Hanson     333-3502
Secretary: Matt Brown     651-0312
Treasurer: Peter McMenamon     644-9245

2020 Season New Rules (Temporary?)

June 9th, 2020

The Executive are are working hard to get this season going, but we do have to work around what is available to us and the rules we must follow, in order TO BE ALLOWED TO PLAY.


First new rules for this season:

1 - 1-1 count for every division
2 - 6 run cap an inning for every division


The above rules are intended to speed up the games, as part of the requirements are 15 minutes between games to allow for social distancing.

3 - Hand sanitizer and/or wipes on team bench (provided by each team)
4 - Final rosters due June 15th (no exceptions)
5 - Teams/players will need to stay on home side or away side of the field (more explanation at meeting.)
6 - $500 Due June 15th


With the special circumstances this season the executive will try to follow the constitution as close as we can but obviously there are going to be things we need to change, and possibly during the season simply to allow us to play.  We appreciate everyones co-operation and understanding.


Thank you.

MSPL Executive

Registration Fee - Roster Deadlines

June 7th, 2020

Hey guys,


So the executive has decided that the registration fee will be $1500 this season. We will need your rosters and $500 on June 15th.


Thank you

Tim O'Blenis
Shawn Hanson
Peter McMenamon
Matthew Brown

PRESIDENT VACANY - Looking for Volunteers

April 19th, 2020

Hi Guys!


The Executive are looking for individuals to step up and put their names forward, or nominate someone who would be interested for the vacant President position.


If you wish to do either, please let us know by Wednesday April 22, 2020.




MSPL Executive

City Field Status Update

April 19th, 2020

Hey guys we received this Friday from the City. Just keeping you guys up to date:


“The City of Saint John’s sports fields, tennis courts, and arenas (for summer use) remain closed and it is unclear if and when a decision can be made to once again allow access this year.


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Province’s State of Emergency prohibits use of these facilities until further notice. There are numerous other impacts to the City’s revenues and the potential overall financial impact to the City of Saint John is significant. This will be a consideration in making a determination of if/when these recreational facilities will reopen.


We appreciate your respective organizations are undoubtedly facing uncertainties in these times as well. We will try hard to update you as circumstances change. In the interim, we ask that you not finalize plans within your organizations that assumes a resumption of access to these facilities in 2020.”



March 12th, 2020

Meeting was held March 11th at the Black Barrel Pub.


  • First part of meeting was conducted by Dwayne Logan (President) who discussed the planned dicussion topics for this meeting.


  • Second item of topic hadPeter McMenanom (Treasurer) went over the the previous seasons financial report, which was given to all team reps present at the meeting.  He then touched upon the current plans for the 2020 season, which will be posted on this site and Facebook Group once confirmed 100%.


  • Third item of the meeting had Peter advising the upcoming important dates for next few meetings and when fees are due, these are as follows:​


  • REGISTRATION FEE (which includes fields, softballs, scorebooks, lineup cards and Umpire fees for 22 regular season games and 3 play-off games.)

    • Returning teams is $1775​.   This is a $100 increase from last season, mainly due to field rental fee increase.

    • New teams is $1845, which is above registration plus a $70 performance bond.



    • April 15th​ - $500 of registration fee along with Rosters for new teams is due.  (New Teams Rosters are FROZEN after this, any potential changes need to be approved by the Executive)

    • May 13th - Additional $500 of registration fee is due.

    • June 17th - All remaining Registration balance is due.


e-transfer payments can be sent to


Locations for the above meetings is still undecided.  If you have a sponsor or s suggestion location, please inform Executive.


  • ​Forth item of discussion had Dwayne discussing if we should start the Alpine Division on the Friday and Clancy's Division on the Sunday of the May long weekend as we have been in year past or the recommended start of the Monday following.  This would basically start those divisions a "game day" late.  There was no opposition for starting on the Monday, so that is the current plan.  Currently proposed season start dates are as follows:

    • Alpine Division - Monday May 18th​

    • Clancy's Dision - Thursday May21st

    • Moosehead & Premium Dry Division - Tuesday May 19th


  • Fifth discussion point was regarding the Alpine Divisions time slots.  Last year they had regularly scheduled games played only at 6:00pm & 7:30pm on both O'Brien and Stephenson to ensure we had the 9:00pm & 10:30pm slots available for league rain outs.  It was asked of the Alpine Division reps who were present, if they wanted to continue this for 2020 or to have all games played at O'Brien and play at 9:00pm & 10:30pm. 

    • It was decided that (assuming an 8 team division) would play 6:00pm, 7:30pm and 9:00pm on O'Brien and 6:00pm on Stephenson.  This will hopefully leave 10:30pm on O'Brien and 7:30pm, 9:00pm & 10:30pm on Stephenson for Rain Outs games.


  • Sixth topic of the evening was our Insurance provider and did we wish to continue with SPN ($95 per Team) or entertain an NSA proposal ($110 per team).   It was unanimously decided that we would continue with SPN.


  • Seventh item was the address the Executive Positions which were up for election, which were Matthew Brown’s Secretary position and Dwayne Logan’s President position. 

    • SECRETARY - No one put their name forward for this position.  Matthew Brown was nominated (and seconded) and he agreed to remain league secretary for 2 more years.

    • PRESIDENT - Dwayne Logan did not agree to run again for President at this time.  No other nominations or names were put forth so we will try to fill this position during the next meeting in April.


  • Eighth discussion was around major upcoming tournaments which would/could affect teams and schedules.  If your aware of any which could limit the ability of your team to field 8 players during the season, please let the executive know as soon as possible so we can review and attempt to adjust the schedule accordingly.


  • The Executive requested and Mike Murray has agreed to continue as the Statistician for the league during the 2020 season.  There will be a slight increase in payment for this as the costs of the website have increased.


  • All-Star Weekend will be in July, dates and locations to be discussed.


We will post next meeting Location once confirmed



MSPL Executive


Wednesday, March 11, 7pm @ Black Barrel Pub

This meeting is for team reps for all returning and new teams. We will be reviewing the league finances heading into this season and going over the team costs for the upcoming season- along with payment schedules (no payments are due before the April meeting). 

As normal, there will be 2 Executive Positions open for Election this year, President and Secretary.  If anyone is interested in running for these positions please reach out to the executive for information or to let us know.  Feel free to message the current Executive members via the group email address (


We will be conducting the Elections during this 1st Meeting, so if you are interested please get your name in quickly.


If anyone has items they’d like to add to the agenda for discussion please let us know. 


Hope to see everyone next Wednesday!




MSPL Executive

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